Back in July, Playboy Playmate Dani Mathers posted a Snapchat of herself looking completely disgusted while a naked woman behind her showering at the gym.
First of all, WTF in that she would post a picture of that poor lady and then shame her in front of the whole world. But second, go back to the first point because theres nothing more to say about that.
The Internet was disgusted, and Mathers deleted the story amidst all the backlash, claiming she only meant to send it to a friend.
When the Internet didnt let up, she went on to basically try to delete all of her social media accounts.
But karma swiftly came back to bite her in her bunny butt in the form of losing her gym membership and her job.
She had a regular spot for the past few years on Los Angeles KLOS radio show Heidi and Frank, but thats gone now. As for LA Fitness, theyre banning the model from all of their locations.
A spokesman told TMZ that the model had violated their privacy police and she is not permitted back at any club, ever and that her behavior is appalling and puts every members privacy at risk. We have handled this internally and also notified the police.
She went on to tweet a tone deaf apology, but people weren’t buying it.
And neither were theauthorities.
TMZ reports that the LAPD has tracked down the unsuspecting 70-year-old woman in the photo, and that she has agreed to proceed with prosecution: L.A. City Attorney Mike Feuer on Friday formally charged Mathers with invasion of privacy, which, much like a violation of California’s revenge porn law, is a misdemeanor that carries a penalty of up to 6 months in jail.
In a statement, Feuer said:
Meanwhile, Mathers’ attorney Tom Mesereau told TMZ, “Im disappointed that she was charged with any type of violation. She never intentionally violated anyones privacy and never tried to break the law at any time.”
Mathers herself has been quiet, mostly tweeting about yoga and probably hoping the jury is made up of other Playboy playmates.
But she did send this one out in September.
Mathers arraignment is scheduled for November 28.
Via: TMZ
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